Share the Power: Democratization done right

10:30 am

Amanda Gelb

Watch the recording

Session Description

I’ll share the journey of how and why I stood up a research program that gets designers, engineers, product, and managers of all kinds to collaborate and ultimately lead (you read that right, lead) research. Call it what you will- Self-serve. Speed dating. Rapid research. Round robins. Lighting research. DIY. This program increased access to customer feedback for teams who don’t have a dedicated researcher or whose project questions are small in scale but high in impact. It lets us get *enough* feedback on multiple projects, at less cost, all in the same day. You'll learn how to build a sustainable program via these steps.

I’ll share the process step by step:

  1. Get the word out. Creatively.
  2. Empower teams & Set clear roles
  3. Select the *right* projects
  4. Create templates
  5. Train your people
  6. Recruit 
  7. Lights, Camera, Gong
  8. Sharing the learnings  


Amanda Gelb

Amanda is research manager at Asana and professor at NYU.  She is committed to making an impact by building a community around shared values and is passionate about empowering communities through artful research and strategic planning while using data as a guide for decision-making. Amanda is a lifelong question-asker and tinkerer.

Amanda Gelb
Amanda Gelb
PWDR 2023
Developed for researchers and the teams they support. This full day virtual session will deliver real-world stories and sound advice from People Who Do Research.